Supplier Standards Code of Conduct

1. Introduction

At Hino Motor Sales Australia Pty Ltd (Hino), we are committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the upholding of human rights (including with respect to modern slavery), labour standards and environmental protection.  This commitment to corporate social responsibility encompasses our own operations and those of our suppliers/contractors. 

This Code of Conduct (Code) prescribes the business practices and standards that Hino expects from its suppliers, contractors, and any other entity or person comprising part of Hino’s operations or supply chains (Suppliers).  Hino expects its Suppliers to continually monitor their own and their sub-suppliers’ compliance with the standards contained in this document.  These standards expressed by this Code must be subject to continuous review and improvement by Suppliers associated with, or engaged by, Hino.  

2. Scope of application

This Code prescribes the non-negotiable, minimum standards that Hino expects its Suppliers to adhere to. We expect the practices and standards stipulated in this Code to be extended to all our Suppliers’ partners and promoted within their own respective supply chains. As such, Hino expects its Suppliers to provide evidence of compliance with the provisions of this Code, upon request, in a timely manner.

Hino reserves the right to terminate any agreements or business relationships if Suppliers contravene the provisions contained in the Code. 

3. Modern Slavery

Hino is firmly committed to ensuring that its operations and supply chains are free of any modern slavery practices. Accordingly, Hino expects (at a minimum) that Hino’s Suppliers comply with all legislative requirements set out under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Act), and any other legislation applicable to modern slavery.

Modern slavery can occur in many different forms, but most commonly involves trafficking in persons, slavery, servitude, forced marriage, forced labour, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour services, and child labour.

Hino requires its Suppliers to:

  • not engage in any modern slavery practices;
  • adopt and implement their own internal policies opposing and prohibiting modern slavery practices in their own business operations and supply chains;
  • promote those policies to their respective suppliers and contractors;
  • apply due diligence and screening measures when sourcing prospective suppliers or contractors with respect to issues of modern slavery;
  • have their own mechanisms for detecting instances of non-compliance with the Act within their operations and supply chains; and
  • promptly report any actual or suspected violations of the Act to Hino (including by responding to, and co-operating with, any further inquiries Hino may have in relation to that actual or suspected breach).

In addition to the above, Hino expects its Suppliers to co-operate and engage in Hino’s own efforts and actions as a ‘reporting entity’ (within the meaning of section 5 of the Act).

As a ‘reporting entity’, Hino is required to submit an annual Modern Slavery Statement to the Attorney General detailing, among other things, Hino’s efforts to assess and address risks of modern slavery in Hino’s operations and supply chains.

Hino’s efforts in performance of those obligations may include, among other things, issuing Suppliers with a Modern Slavery Questionnaire containing questions designed to assess Suppliers’ compliance with the Act. We expect Suppliers to answer those Modern Slavery Questionnaires truthfully, completely, and promptly.

This may require, and we expect Suppliers to provide written confirmation of their compliance with the provisions of the Act and any other applicable laws and standards relevant to modern slavery. We may also request further or other materials confirming such compliance. 

4. Human Rights and Labor Standards

At a minimum, Hino expects its Suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, standards and regulations governing human rights and labour practices.  This expectation includes, but is not limited to, the payment of a fair wage and the provision of all applicable employee entitlements such as leave and superannuation.  All Suppliers are expected to ensure that all employees are also legally entitled to work during their period of employment.

All employees should be free from discrimination, abuse, and intimidation.  All employees should be afforded a safe and healthy workplace environment in alignment with the principles of equal opportunity and fair treatment.  In practice, this will require Suppliers to develop and enforce their own policies prohibiting harassment, sexual abuse, physical punishment, bullying, and other forms of disruptive workplace behaviour.  This will also require the establishment and maintenance of a reporting system allowing employees to communicate instances of breach without fear of reprisal. 

5. Corporate Ethics and accountability

Hino expects all Suppliers to recognise the value of corporate ethics and accountable business practices.  This means that Suppliers should prohibit corrupt business practices including the paying and accepting of bribes within their own operations and supply chains.  An internal whistle-blowing system should be made available to the employees of all Suppliers allowing the reporting of suspected or actual instances of corruption, bribery, and dishonest business practices without fear of reprisal. 

Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable Privacy and Information security laws, regulations and standards regarding confidential business information and personal information relating to Hino. This requires the implementation and the maintenance of effective information storage systems to govern the dissemination and destruction of confidential business information and personal information. 

6. Environmental Sustainability 

Recognising the value of environmental sustainability, Hino expects all Suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the environmental preservation and protection. Suppliers should continually aspire to improve the sustainability of all business practices. This should include the promotion of energy and emissions reductions strategies through the operations and supply chains of all Suppliers.   

Hino values accountable and transparent business practices that allow a business to operate in a socially responsible manner. As such, compliance with this Code is expected and its standards implemented into the business practices and supply chains of all Suppliers engaged by Hino. 

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